Training & Events

One of the tasks of the Facility is to organise courses, workshops and develop technologies with other core facilities and organisations at the University of Regina. Numerous activities are planned yearly for students and scientists and all information can be obtained from our website.

Training Workshops, Seminars and Conferences

We offer training and courses quarterly. Please let us know if there is a need for basic or specialized courses, so that it can be included in our course schedule.

Courses and workshops provide:

  • Educational activities
  • Training opportunities in proteomics and genomics
  • Access to research infrastructure
  • Research collaboration opportunities
  • Establishment of large scale proteomics and genomics initiatives

Where possible we will work with samples that are of interest to the course attendees.

more about workshops

Can MitoSYSTEMS Research Centre help you?

For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact us.