
Educating Youth in Engineering and Science
Educating Youth in Engineering and Science 2019

EYES Partnership Program

MitoSYSTEMS, through the University of Regina, ongoingly partners with EYES (Educating Youth in Engineering and Science), thereby enabling schoolgirls, aged 9-13, to tour the mitoSYSTEMS facility and get an early eye opener on the value of science in improving the living conditions of Canadians, as well as finding innovative cures to human diseases.

During their visits, children are encouraged to learn, communicate and visualize how science is being performed, and learn about advanced equipment in a joyful experience. They also engage in simple activities pertaining to current mitoSYSTEMS research to foster a hands-on experience, empower young females and reassure their role in the society. Through their tours, they gain increasing interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)-related knowledge of important value to the future of Canada.

EYES tours are supervised by Graduate students and Postdoctoral fellows to ensure utmost safety and maximize benefit.

Can MitoSYSTEMS Research Centre help you?

For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact us.