
Mitochondrial and other proteins expression, purification, and proteomics core

  • Biophysical characterization of purified proteins.
  • Construction of fusion-tagged proteins either chromosomal or using exogenous plasmid vectors
  • Affinity purification using protein specific antibody or epitope tags fused with bait proteins of interest to identify interacting partners through mass spectrometry.
  • Broad range of chromatographic separation techniques, including:
    1. Affinity Chromatography
    2. Ion Exchange Chromatography
    3. Size Exclusion Chromatography
    4. Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
    5. Reversed Phase Chromatography
  • Sample preparation (desalting, digestion, and fractionation).
  • Custom packed LC column services for any chromatography separation type and dimension.
  • Determination of intact proteins and protein identification from silver-stanning, SDS-PAGE or native gels.
  • Protein identification in complex mixtures using a combination of easy Nano-LC and high-resolution mass spectrometer workflow.
  • Protein and peptide identification using mass spectrometry-based proteomics and phosphoproteomics.
  • Targeted identification and relative abundance of components.
  • Identification and relative label-free quantitation of samples.
  • Identification of cross-linked peptides/proteins.
  • Identification of various post-translational modifications after phosphoprotein enrichment.
  • Relative protein quantification based on label-fee, SILAC, or iTRAQ
  • Identification and quantification of proteins, peptides, and post-translational modifications (through TiO2 and IMAC).

Can MitoSYSTEMS Research Centre help you?

For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact us.