
Our resources include:

Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometers and Easy-nLC 1200

Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometers and Easy-nLC 1200

This mass spectrometer is the first of its kind in Saskatchewan, Canada, with enhanced resolution to 240,000 FWHM at a mass-to-charge ratio of 200, thereby minimizing isobaric interferences and increasing confidence in results. In addition to bottom-up protein ID and phosphoproteomics, Orbitrap Exploris allows isotopic labeling and proteomic quantification in complex samples. The Orbitrap Exploris 240 also delivers unsurpassed qualitative and quantitative data quality over a range of metabolomics workflows.

Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometer and Easy-nLC 1000

Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometer and Easy-nLC 1000

This spectrometer is a combination of two mass analyzers, a linear ion trap, and the high-field Orbitrap analyzer. In addition, the availability of two fragmentation modes, collision-induced dissociation (CID), and higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) provides advanced performance for the most challenging research problems.

TSQ-Quantis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers and Vanquish UHPLC

TSQ-Quantis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers and Vanquish UHPLC

TSQ-Quantis offer high-resolution SRM with unmatched speed (up to 600 SRMs/sec) and superior selectivity (0.2 Da FWHM) to resolve added peaks with increased sensitivity. Their ion max source ionizes intricate compounds pertaining to metabolites. With segmented quadrupoles, faster rod drivers, and improved electron multipliers, TSQ-Quantis improves robustness by integrating UHPLC (Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and software (i.e., Trace Finder) that enables access to contaminants from the comprehensive compound data store, encompassing hundreds of pharmaceutical compounds, while eliminating the need for compound optimizations.

Illumina NextSeq 1000 Sequencer

Illumina NextSeq 1000 Sequencer

TThis cutting-edge equipment offers high throughput single-cell transcriptome sequencing, and whole genome or exome sequencing. Sequence-based readouts of various samples or in single gene and digenic mutant knockdowns via NextSeq 1000 sequencer is also offered.

EVOS FLoid Cell Imaging Station

EVOS FLoid Cell Imaging Station

EVOS FLoid cell imaging station captures high-resolution images, with LED illumination for improved signal-to-noise ratio required for assessing cell quality in culture, prior to conducting large-scale experiments.

Confocal Microscope ZEISS LSM 900

Confocal Microscope ZEISS LSM 900

ZEISS LSM 900, the confocal laser scanning microscope from ZEISS, allows to characterize 3D microstructures surfaces topography, complex confocal live cell imaging experiments, and confocal fluorescent imaging of fixed samples. Airyscan detector fro Zeiss enables very light-efficient imaging with improved resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.

Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer

Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer

The Seahorse XFp analyzer housed in mitoSYSTEMS measures metabolic functions, including oxygen consumption or extracellular acidification rate, ATP production by glycolysis, and glycolytic rates of live cells in a 96-well plate format. This ideal plate format accommodates many conditions in a single run as well as for dose-response studies and compound screening.

Pinning Robot (BM3 Benchtop system, S&P Robotics)

Pinning Robots (BM3 and BM5 Benchtop systems, S&P Robotics)

These robotic colony pinning machines are multifunctional automated systems for replicating, arraying, gridding, cherry picking, data tracking, and imaging of cell colonies on any medium (solid and liquid) and in standard type of plates. They are fully automated robots for high-throughput applications. The typical applications include replicating, mating and cherry-picking yeast or bacteria cells in standard 96, 384, or 1536 array formats from one (or multiple) plates to one (or multiple) plates of similar or different formats on a membrane, agar or in liquid medium.

Agilent 1100 HPLC

Agilent 1100 HPLC

This semi preparative Agilent 1100 HPLC system implements protocols for analysis of small molecules, enzymatic assays, structural analyses, protein separation by use of gradient or step elutions, desalting of protein solutions, and separation of enzymatic digests before mass spectrometric analyses.

OpenSPR Benchtop Surface Plasmon Resonance

OpenSPR Benchtop Surface Plasmon Resonance

MitoSYSTEMS is also home to advanced Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) equipment, the OpenSPR, which is the world’s only benchtop SPR instrument. It provides high quality, label-free interaction analysis for a fraction of the cost of existing solutions. Its unique nano-structured sensor surface uses localized SPR (LSPR) to deliver repeatable, highly sensitive kinetic data.

Can MitoSYSTEMS Research Centre help you?

For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact us.