About Us
The Mitochondrial Systems (mitoSYSTEMS) Research Centre is a unique mitochondrial research facility in the Canadian prairies, which brings together the expertise of renowned advisory board to collectively understand how mitochondrial impairment contributes to neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases such as Bipolar Disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), among others. MitoSYSTEMS Research conceptually capitalizes on established interdisciplinary research teams that utilize innovative proteomic and genomic methodologies to understand mitochondrial dysfunction associated with a number of devastating human diseases. MitoSYSTEMS implements cutting-edge experimental solutions in mitochondrial biology, including Next Generation Sequencing, proteomics, genomics and advanced imaging. MitoSYSTEMS is home to the latest infrastructure housed in the Research and Innovation Centre.
MitoSYSTEMS aims to transform the prairie institutions into a “Hub for Mitochondrial Research” built on provincial long-standing clinical and scientific expertise in chronic disease. The frontline latest equipment housed all in one place include Orbitrap Mass Spectrometers, EASY-nLCs; Vanquish UHPLC; TSQ-Quantis mass spectrometers, Illumina NextSeq 550 Sequencer, Light Cycler 96 Real-Time PCR, FLoid Cell Imaging Station, Seahorse XFp Analyzer, Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor, XE70 nitrogen generator, Confocal microscope, and Live-cell imaging, among others. This unique infrastructure supports technology development and capacity building at the Canadian prairies and enable researchers to tackle complex multilayered mitochondrial research requirements with utmost precision and robust data integration. Our world-class infrastructure, all located in one place, positions mitoSYSTEMS to support various proteomics and health-related projects, attract highly-qualified personnel within Canada and across the world, and establish research collaborations or accommodate fee-for-sample processing.
Our staff ongoingly participate in large-scale multidisciplinary projects, and we welcome new collaborations that expand on current and also develop new technologies that design and tailor proteomics/genomics experiments for publications and grant proposals. We offer our services for external institutions at a reasonable cost in the shortest possible turnaround time.
our services
For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact:
Dr. Alla Gagarinov
MitoSYSTEMS Scientist
Phone: (306)-585-4729
Fax: 306-337-2409
E-mail: Alla.Gagarinova@uregina.ca
Dr. Hiroyuki Aoki
MitoSYSTEMS Technical Specialist
Phone: 306-585-4729
Fax: 306-337-2409
E-mail: Hiroyuki.Aoki@uregina.ca
Research and Innovation Centre
Faculty of Science, University of Regina
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Sample Submission
Proteomics and genomics experiments can be proposed either as collaborative projects or as a service.
Please contact us for details, and in an early stage Before sending samples to the Facility.
Numerous activities are planned yearly for students and scientists.
Can MitoSYSTEMS Research Centre help you?
For pricing, turnaround time, and other project consultation, please contact us.